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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - distance


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка distance на русский


1) расстояние; длина

2) дальность

3) промежуток; интервал (напр. временной)

angular distancebreak distancecode distancecoherence distancecorrelation distancecreep distancecreepage distanceDebye shielding distancediffusion distancedisruptive distanceelectrical distanceEuclidian distanceexpected Hamming distanceflashover distancefocal distanceFrechet distancefuzzy distancegreat circle distancehailing distanceHamming distancehelix pitch distancehorizon distanceHousdorf distancehyperfocal distanceimage distanceinteraction distancejump distancelattice distanceline-of-sight distancelong distanceloxodromic distanceMahalanobis distanceManhattan distanceobject distanceoptical distancePippard coherence distancepropagation distancerelaxation distancerhumb-line distancescale distanceShoran distanceshouting distancesignal distanceskip distanceslant distancesocial distancestriking distanceunicity distancevector distanceviewing distance

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См. в других словарях

  расстояниеdistance between centers — расстояние между центрами (напр. токарного станка)distance between the table and the spindle nose — расстояние от рабочей поверхности стола до торца шпинделяdistance from column to tool facing — расстояние от стойки до наружной плоскости резцедержателя (на долбёжном станке)distance over pins — размер по роликамdistance to go — заданное перемещение (рабочего органа)to move to a prescribed distance — передвигать на заданное расстояние, передвигаться на заданное расстояниеactual distanceadjustably spaced distanceangular distanceapex distancearbor distanceback angle distanceback cone distancebetween-centers distancebraking distancecalculated center distancecenter distancecenter-to-center distanceclearance distancecode-word distancecone distancecreepage distancecross-traverse distancecurvilinear distancedatum distancedeparture distancedeparture distance per commandfeet distancefree distanceideal distanceincremental distanceinner cone distanceinside cone distanceinstantaneous center distanceleast programmable distanceleft-to-right distance between housingslocating distancemaster standoff distancemean cone distancemean transverse back cone distancemeasuring distancemidplane distancemotion distancemotion distance of each commandmounting distancemove distancenominal measuring center distancenominal setting distanceoperating center distancepitch distanceprescribed distancereference center distancesafe distancesensing distancesetting distancespindle distancespindlenose-to-table distancespraying distancesquared distancestacking distancestandard center distancestandoff distancestarting distancestepping distancestopping distanceteeth distancetesting center distancethroat distancetight mesh center distancetip distancetransition...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • большое расстояние• дистанция огромного размера• различие ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
   1. noun  1) расстояние; дистанция beyond striking/listening distance - вне досягаемости - at a distance - out of distance - within striking distance - within listening distance - hit the distance  2) отдаленность; дальность; даль it is quite a distance from here - это довольно далеко отсюда a good distance off - довольно далеко no distance at all - совсем недалеко - in the distance - from a distance  3) сдержанность, холодность (в обращении) to keep ones distance from smb. - избегать кого-л. to keep a person at a distance - держать кого-л. на почтительном расстоянии, избегать сближения с кем-л.  4) даль, перспектива (в живописи) - middle distance  5) промежуток, период (времени); отрезок the distance between two events - промежуток времени между двумя событиями at this distance of time - столько времени спустя  6) mus. интервал между двумя нотами  7) attr. - distance control  2. v.  1) оставлять далеко позади себя  2) размещать на равном расстоянии  3) отдалять DISTANCE control дистанционное управление, телеуправление ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. расстояние some (quite a) distance —- порядочное (приличное) расстояние air-line distance —- расстояние по прямой free distance —- зазор, просвет sense of distance —- чувство расстояния; представление о расстоянии our torches gave us no sense of distance —- наши факелы не давали ни малейшего представления о расстояниях a short distance away —- недалеко, неподалеку at a distance —- на некотором расстоянии at a visual distance —- насколько видит глаз the distance from here to London —- расстояние отсюда до Лондона within easy distance —- совсем рядом within shooting distance —- на расстоянии выстрела hailing distance —- расстояние слышимости человеческого голоса; близкое расстояние; рукой подать they were within hailing distance of the island —- они уже могли окликнуть людей на острове success is within hailing distance —- успех уже маячит within speaking distance —- на таком расстоянии, что можно разговаривать you should be in (the) calling distance —- не уходи далеко, а то тебя не дозовешься within five minutes walking distance —- на расстоянии пяти минут ходьбы (пешего хода) my house is within (in) walking distance of the school —- от моего дома до школы можно дойти пешком the bridge is a good distance off —- до моста (еще) далеко to keep the distance —- авт. сохранять (держать) дистанцию 2. большое расстояние; отдаленность, отдаление; даль no distance at all —- небольшое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  расстояние distance between two populations биом. — расстояние между двумя совокупностями distance from end of snout to the insertion of the anal fin ихт. — антеанальное расстояние distance from end of snout to the insertion of the dorsal fin ихт. — антедорсальное расстояние – flight distance – generalized distance – individual distance – patristic distance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) расстояние, дистанция 2) несходство, различие 3) промежуток, отрезок 4) период • - distance learning 2. гл. 1) помещать на (определенном расстоянии) 2) оставлять далеко позади своих соперников ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) расстояние; дистанция 2) дальность, путь прохождения 3) протяжённость, отдалённость 4) временной промежуток, период distance apart — на расстоянии distance between running lines — ж.-д. ширина междупутья distance down — расстояние от верха distance in kilometers — километраж distance to accelerate — дорож. участок разгона operation from a distance — действие на расстоянии within line-of-sight distance — в пределах прямой видимости - affine distance - angular distance - arc distance - base-line distance - coasting distance - complete distance - designed distance - directed distance - elliptic distance - equiaffine distance - extrapolation distance - extreme distance - fuzzy distance - generalized distance - geodetic distance - grid distance - horizon distance - hyperbolic distance - image distance - induced distance - information distance - integral distance - interatomic distance - interpupillary distance - interquartile distance - intrinsic distance - invariant distance - inverse distance - lunar distance - mean character distance - mean-square distance - meridian distance - metric distance - natural distance - numerical distance - object distance - object-side focal distance - oil distance endurance - oriented distance - p-adic distance - picture-edge distance - planar distance - polar distance - radial distance - regularized distance - relative distance - root-mean-square distance - safe passing distance - scale distance of air base - scale distance - set distance - shortest distance - squared distance - squared error distance - take-off distance - topologically equivalent distances - truncated distance - ultrametric distance - undirected distance - vector distance - wave distance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  расстояние; дистанция – code distance – correlation distance – focal distance – Hamming distance – magnetic head-to-voucher distance – operating distance – signal distance – skip distance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  расстояние, дистанция; дальность; путь прохождения distance between track centers distance center-to-center of holes distance of fall accelerate-stop distance anchorage distance angular distance arbitrary distance average distance beam distance bearing distance bond distance braking distance center-to-center distance center-to-center distance between columns clear distance declared distance differential distance emergency distance end distance external distance focal distance following distance ground distance haul distance horizontal distance jib center distance jump distance landing distance liftoff distance passing sight distance plus distance pole distance pumping distance restricted stopping sight distance runway usable distance shell-to-shell distance sight distance stop distance take-off distance tangent distance visibility distance walking distance ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) расстояние; дистанция; дальность 2) интервал, отрезок landing distance available — располагаемая посадочная дистанция; takeoff distance available — располагаемая взлётная дистанция; takeoff distance required — потребная взлётная дистанция; to misjudge the distance — неправильно оценить (в полёте) расстояние (до препятствия) distance of movement — дистанция перемещения (напр. тележки) distance of travel — 1. длина пробега (частицы) 2. глубина проникновения (напр. примеси) - accelerate-stop distance - actual distance - air-to-ground distance - anchorage distance - approach flight track distance - arcing distance - augmentation distance - back-focal distance - basic distance - bond distance - brake system application distance - braking distance - bridging distance - center-to-center distance - centroidal distance - chargeable distance - chordal distance - clear distance - code distance - continued takeoff distance - correlation distance - crack separation distance - creepage distance - Debye screening distance - designed stopping distance - developed distance - diffusion distance - disruptive distance - dry arcing distance - edge distance of rivets - electrical distance - electrode distance - end distance - end-to-end distance - epicentral distance - Euclidean distance - flange focal distance - flareout distance - flashing distance - flight distance-to-go - focal distance - focusing distance - forked claw interteeth distance - front-focal distance - fuel distance - gap-closing distance - geodesic distance - gliding distance - grazing distance - great circle distance - gross takeoff distance - ground distance - Hamming distance - haul distance - haulage distance - hearing distance - hold-off distance - hyperfocal distance - hypocentral distance - ideal distance - infinite...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the condition of being far off; remoteness. 2 a a space or interval between two things. b the length of this (a distance of twenty miles). 3 a distant point or place (came from a distance). 4 the avoidance of familiarity; aloofness; reserve (there was a certain distance between them). 5 a remoter field of vision (saw him in the distance). 6 an interval of time (can't remember what happened at this distance). 7 a the full length of a race etc. b Brit. Racing a length of 240 yards from the winning-post on a racecourse. c Boxing the scheduled length of a fight. --v.tr. (often refl.) 1 place far off (distanced herself from them; distanced the painful memory). 2 leave far behind in a race or competition. Phrases and idioms at a distance far off. distance-post Racing a post at the distance on a racecourse, used to disqualify runners who have not reached it by the end of the race. distance runner an athlete who competes in long- or middle-distance races. go the distance 1 Boxing complete a fight without being knocked out. 2 complete, esp. a hard task; endure an ordeal. keep one's distance maintain one's reserve. middle distance the part of a landscape or painting between the foreground and the furthest part. within hailing (or walking) distance near enough to reach by hailing or walking. Etymology: ME f. OF distance, destance f. L distantia f. distare stand apart (as DI-(2), stare stand) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete discord  2.  a. separation in time  b. the degree or amount of separation between two points, lines, surfaces, or objects  c.  (1) an extent of area or an advance along a route measured linearly  (2) an extent of space measured other than linearly within walking ~  d. an extent of advance from a beginning  e. expanse  f.  (1) length of a race or contest won at all ~s  (2) the full length (as of a prizefight or ball game)  (3) a long race ~ training  3. the quality or state of being distant: as  a. spatial remoteness  b. personal and especially emotional separation; also reserve, coldness  c. difference, disparity  4. a distant point or region  5.  a. aesthetic ~  b. capacity to observe dispassionately  II. transitive verb  (~d; distancing)  Date: 1578  1. to place or keep at a ~ able to ~ themselves from the tragedy ~s herself from her coworkers  2. to leave far behind ; outstrip easily ~d the other candidates in the race  III. adjective  Date: 1972 taking place via electronic media linking instructors and students who are not together in a classroom ~ learning ~ education ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (distances, distancing, distanced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The distance between two points or places is the amount of space between them. ...the distance between the island and the nearby shore... Everything is within walking distance... N-VAR: with supp, oft N between pl-n 2. When two things are very far apart, you talk about the distance between them. The distance wouldn’t be a problem. N-UNCOUNT 3. Distance learning or distance education involves studying at home and sending your work to a college or university, rather than attending the college or university in person. I’m doing a theology degree by distance learning. ADJ: ADJ n 4. When you want to emphasize that two people or things do not have a close relationship or are not the same, you can refer to the distance between them. There was a vast distance between psychological clues and concrete proof... N-UNCOUNT: usu N between pl-n c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you can see something in the distance, you can see it, far away from you. We suddenly saw her in the distance... N-SING: in/into the N 6. Distance is coolness or unfriendliness in the way that someone behaves towards you. (FORMAL) There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness. ? closeness N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 7. If you distance yourself from a person or thing, or if something distances you from them, you feel less friendly or positive towards them, or become less involved with them. The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book... Television may actually be distancing the public from the war. VERB: V pron-refl from n, V n from n • distanced Clough felt he’d become too distanced from his fans. ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ from n 8. If you are at a distance from something, or if you see it or remember it from a distance, you are a long way away from it in space or time. The only way I can cope with my mother is at a distance... Now I can look back on the whole...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »HOW FAR« the amount of space between two places or things  (short/long distance)  (Sylvia could only run a short distance without getting out of breath.) + from  (What's the distance from Chicago to Detroit? | at a distance of 5 metres/2 miles etc (=5 metres etc away))  (Place the rod at a distance of 40mm from the light source. | some distance from/a good distance away from (=a fairly long distance from))  (Gareth's cottage is some distance from the road.) 2 in the distance in a place that is far away, but close enough to be seen or heard  (That's Long Island in the distance over there.) 3 at/from a distance a) from a place that is not very close  (follow sb from a distance (=follow them by walking a long way behing them))  (The detective followed him at a distance.) b) a long time after something happened  (It's difficult to remember exactly what they looked like at this distance in time.) 4 within walking/driving distance near enough to walk or drive to + of  (There are two good Chinese restaurants within walking distance of my house.) 5 within spitting distance of informal very near 6 keep your distance a) to avoid becoming too friendly with someone or too closely involved in something b) to not go too close to someone or to another car 7 keep sb at a distance to not become too friendly with someone  (Ann likes to keep people at a distance.) 8 »UNFRIENDLY FEELING« a situation in which two people do not tell each other what they really think or feel, in a way that seems unfriendly + between  (There was still a certain distance between me and my father.) 9 go the distance informal if you go the distance in a sport or competition, you continue playing or competing until the end  (- see also long­distance, middle distance) ~2 v distance yourself to say that you are not involved with someone or something, or try to become less involved, especially to avoid being connected with them  (The Soviet Union distanced itself from the US position.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. destance, from L. distantia "a standing apart," from distantem (nom. distans) "standing apart, separate, distant," prp. of distare "stand apart," from dis- "apart, off" + stare "to stand." The figurative sense is the same as in stand-offish. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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